
shower thoughts

blog post 2 electric boogaloo

wow here i am right back the very next night! today's dinner was kalbi express. (i'm too scared to go grocery shopping this time of year...) we both had chicken katsu plates with mac salad, but i had long rice as my 2nd side and joel had broccoli! i tried a little bit of it because i was jealous of how green and wholesome their plate looked but i did not like it. i want to be a vegetable eater so bad but they're never consistent enough for me to not get squicked out by it!

after dinner i'll brush my teeth and then shower. i use cocofloss because it has silly little flavors like birthday cake! then i use a milky face wash, followed by a regular cleanser. lush shower gel with exfoliating cloth. out of shower, i have to blow dry my fucking ears like a maniac cause my piercings are so fucking rude!!!!!!!!! that's what i came here to complain about.

i got double lobes in both ears last yr at the poor recommendation of the piercer, who also pierced my ears with hoops.
um wild story because i brought joel with me since he came with me to get my septum pierced before that. when i got my septum done they were like "hmm maybe i'll pierce my ears" so i was like bet ok lets do it. i have a huge collection of earrings i can't wear cause my ears aren't pierced. lets gooooo.
so we GET to the shop and joel goes first so he won't flake and chicken out if he sees my ears go first. he takes it like a champ. THEN it's my turn! the piercer tells them "ok have a sit" and they say "hmm im ok thanks." well boy howdy wrong move.
she marks my ears and asks him what he thinks. he goes "ouughghghhg" and falls head first onto the floor. 😐.

we're all just like "oh shit" and the tattoo guys carry him to the chair, he wakes up and is like "huh what happened where am i" and keeps asking that every few mins. they gots a concussion. so again. "oh shit" lol.
BUT they take care of him and they pierce my ears. i pay for us and then i'm like ok i HAVE to take this one to the hospital. its the scariest and also sweetest thing ever because they actually straight up forgot that we started seeing each other. this bitch had literal AMNESIA!!!!!! like dude!!!! fr!!!!!?
so when joel's brain couldn't muster anything the phrases that were left in the rolodex for them were "i'm so sorry guys" "did i get my ears pierced?!" "wow i love you" 🥺

by the end of the day they got their memory back and everything was good but ummmm only one of my lobes healed and it took 6 months.
the same upper lobe only just barely is healed now. but ig getting a piercing from someone who just was complicit in head trauma is not the best idea because ummm the angles are bad and crooked lol.
i can't wear two flatbacks without the backings bumping into each other. and the OTHER ear i gave up on the upper lobe in hopes the lower would heal. both of them had some pretty bad irritation bumps that downsizing, titanium studs, LITHA, air drying, travel pillow, etc etc Nothin' worked on. now the bottom one is doing a little better, the bump goes away but it's still a little oozy.
as for joel, they're very hesistant to switch out the jewelry to studs for healing/ so the front looks fine but there's bumps on the back cause it's not stable. they say they're not bothered by it tho sooo ok!

hopefully if i just keep at my routine, i will have fully healed ears by next holiday season.

and maaaaaaaaybe i can add in a labret and vertical philtrum?! :^3 dreaming.

well that was rly long so i'm gonna go to real dreaming now lol


thanks for being here! wanna look at another thing? 🧸


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